Hotels in Portugal
Hotels in Lisbon, Portugal
Travel and Holidays to Portugal
Hotels in Lisbon
About Portugal
Portugal is the most westerly country of mainland Europe and the oldest ally of Great Britain, and together with Spain, makes up what is known as the Iberian Peninsula. In most places the Portuguese coast is low and sandy and has a fairly wide coastal plain behind it. Portugal's main ports are near the mouths of the larger rivers, all of which rise in Spain and form part of the border between the two countries. The Minho River, forming part of the northern boundary, runs through a mountainous district that stretches south to the Dourno River. Portugal's climate is generally mild and pleasant and cool winds from the Atlantic bring enough rain to most parts except in the extreme south. The vegetation is rich and tropical plants grow beside those common in northern Europe. Portugal's many tourist attractions are scattered throughout the country.
Portugal has many beautiful buildings, including the monastery and church in Belem, Lisbon, and the Abbey of Santa Maria at Batalha, which is said to be the lovliest building in the Iberian Peninsular except perhaps the Alhambra in Spain. The castles at Evora and Cintra are fine examples of Moorish-style architecture. Near Braga is a shrine which every pious Portuguese tries to visit at least once in his life. Another popular place visited is the shrine of Fatima, where the Virgin Mary appeared in a vision to some children in 1917.
Portugal is the most westerly country of mainland Europe and the oldest ally of Great Britain, and together with Spain, makes up what is known as the Iberian Peninsula. In most places the Portuguese coast is low and sandy and has a fairly wide coastal plain behind it. Portugal's main ports are near the mouths of the larger rivers, all of which rise in Spain and form part of the border between the two countries. The Minho River, forming part of the northern boundary, runs through a mountainous district that stretches south to the Dourno River. Portugal's climate is generally mild and pleasant and cool winds from the Atlantic bring enough rain to most parts except in the extreme south. The vegetation is rich and tropical plants grow beside those common in northern Europe. Portugal's many tourist attractions are scattered throughout the country.
Portugal has many beautiful buildings, including the monastery and church in Belem, Lisbon, and the Abbey of Santa Maria at Batalha, which is said to be the lovliest building in the Iberian Peninsular except perhaps the Alhambra in Spain. The castles at Evora and Cintra are fine examples of Moorish-style architecture. Near Braga is a shrine which every pious Portuguese tries to visit at least once in his life. Another popular place visited is the shrine of Fatima, where the Virgin Mary appeared in a vision to some children in 1917.