Village Hotels have 32 perfectly placed hotels ideal for exploring the UK including Solihull in West Midlands, and visiting the beautiful countryside, nearby attractions and places of interest. These hotels are a new kind where cutting edge style meets every day affordability. All the rooms are thoughtfully designed and include special little touches like free wi-fi, flat screen TV's and docking stations. The amenities at Village Hotels include high-tech health and fitness clubs, and Starbucks stores and Village Urban Spas at some hotels. Hotels in Solihull
KAYAK helps travellers, holidaymakers and guests find the best hotel and accommodation deals in Birmingham and the rest of West Midlands, and throughout the world. The company is the world's leading travel search facility and provides information and prices for hotels, holiday packages and car hire. Whether you are looking for a last-minute hotel or a cheap hotel room at a later date, you can find the best deals in Birmingham faster at KAYAK. Hotels in Birmingham